Architects and engineers are currently rediscovering reinforced concrete and its no wonder, since virtually no other construction material offers so many possibilities. However, concrete and steel are vulnerable to harmful substances that penetrate into the building material by means of moisture. The restoration work required to fix the damage is much more expensive than successful prevention with a water repellent sealer.

Damage to concrete buildings generates costs that run into billions every year; however, Ghostshield Siloxa-Tek 8500 can put an end to this.

Thanks to the special penetration effect, Siloxa-Tek 8500 hydrophobic sealer agents permanently protect concrete against moisture from rain, dew or snow, against road salts and microorganisms. In addition, Siloxa-Tek 8500 helps regulate concretes water balance, which increases the buildings lifespan without unscheduled repair work due to structural damage.


  • Water barrier and consequently:
    • Salt barrier chlorides dissolved in water are blocked (e.g. road salt and sea water)
    • No corrosion the reinforcing steel does not rust, as no moisture reaches it
    • No frost damage greater resistance to freeze/thaw cycles

Prevention with Siloxa-Tek 8500 saves costs, energy and resources:

  • Cost- and resource-intensive renovation is avoided
  • Buildings that have been treated by Siloxa-Tek 8500 have a significantly longer lifespan and thus a low environmental impact over the long term


  • Hydrophobic impregnation of concrete
  • Integral water-repellent treatment of concrete
8500 Concrete Sealer Bottle

Siloxa-Tek 8500

Water & Salt Repel

Published Monday 25th of August 2014 // Updated Tuesday 9th of March 2021

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